Rockwall School of Music
Music Lessons
Private Music Lessons Rockwall
The Rockwall School of Music is the largest music school in the greater Rockwall area with an active enrollment of over 800 students. Our school of music has won the Lakeside Living Best of Music Lessons Award for six consecutive years. We have 50 highly qualified music professionals who love what they do and will inspire children to excel on the instrument of their choice. Students drive from as far away as Sunnyvale, Forney, Greenville and Wylie to take lessons here. We offer lessons for ages 5 to adult.
While you are here researching the best school for you, please consider the benefits of becoming a Rockwall School of Music student and find out why we are the area’s number one choice for music lessons.

Our Music Lessons
Guitar Lessons
To serve our diverse guitar students, our Rockwall guitar lessons are offered in acoustic and electric guitar as well as bass guitar.
Piano Lessons
Learning to play the piano can be one of the most valuable of all musical studies because it is the most straight-forward and intuitive of instruments.

Drum Lessons
Learning to play a rhythm instrument, like drums, can be an important addition to any music student’s base of knowledge.
Orchestral Strings
We offer lessons in Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass. Our School of Music provides private lessons starting at 5 years of age.

Voice Lessons
Private lessons are adapted to the needs of the student. We help younger students finding their talent and adults refining their talent.

Homeschool Music Lessons
Our early day lesson rates are available for home school families who can schedule a private music lesson before 3:30 pm M-F.
Frequent Questions
Which Instrument is Best for My Child?
Adult Lessons are also offered: For those of you who would love to learn an instrument alongside your child or for an adult or Sr. Adult who finally has time to pursue the life-long dream of playing an instrument, RSM offers Adult Music Lessons too!
When are lessons offered?
We get it…sometimes it feels as if there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that your child wants to experience. Rockwall School of Music is the only music school in the area that offers lessons seven days a week to accommodate your busy schedule. We even offer early classes for homeschoolers.
10:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday
10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Friday
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Saturday
2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday
How is this accomplished in a short time?
What Happens Next?
You can call or text our school of music at 972-722-6874.
Benefits of Our School
Comfortable Place to Lounge
We consider you to be part of our family and encourage you to take advantage of all that we have to offer. Large observation windows inserted in the studio doors allow you to watch your child’s lesson or, if you prefer, you can sit in on the lessons at any time. Our Open-Door Policy is another unique feature that you’ll only find at RSM and one that parents, just like you, find comforting and rewarding.
An Experience Your Child Never Forgets
Showcase Recitals!
These Showcase Recitals allow for ALL children to experience the thrill of successfully performing before friends and family. We take away the fear-factor that many times stifles the creative side of a child and channel it into positive energy and experiences. You will never be charged a recital participation or admission fee.
Hours to Meet Your Crazy Schedule
Music Can Be a Year-Round Enrichment
The Convenience-Factor!
The Safety of My Child
A Little Bragging
Our rooms are stocked with everything you need for music lessons, including amps, full drum kits with pads, keyboards, pianos and more. All you need to bring is your instrument (pianos and drums excluded, lol). We have spent thousands of dollars on our studio to offer soundproofing, quality professional instruments, observation windows, and security. All of this allows you to have the peace of mind in knowing that you have made the BEST decision!
Meet the Owners
Russ Porter holds a bachelor’s degree in Music from Ouachita Baptist University and a master’s degree in music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2004, Russ and his wife, Karen, became owners of the Rockwall School of Music. Over the years, the Rockwall School of Music has instructed literally thousands of students in piano, guitar, drum, violin, viola, cello, bass, ukulele and voice.
Recent News
Rockwall ISD Student of the Week 9/18
We are proud to honor Tien Nguyen of Rockwall High School as our Rockwall School of Music Fine Arts Student of the Week! <iframe...
Rockwall ISD student of the Week 9/10
Student of the week Jackson Fluck.
Ask the Expert Feature
Meet Russ Porter, Owner at the Rockwall School of Music. About the expert Russ Porter holds a bachelor's degree in Music from Ouachita Baptist University and a master's degree in music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2004, Russ and his wife, Karen,...
From our Clients

-Chantel West

-Eric P.

-Brian Jeffreys

-Brandon Kennard

-Jessica Rogers

-Hailey Norton