Aug 4, 2022 | Faculty, Home, News, Stories
Meet Russ Porter, Owner at the Rockwall School of Music. About the expert Russ Porter holds a bachelor’s degree in Music from Ouachita Baptist University and a master’s degree in music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2004, Russ and his...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faculty, Strings
Getting to know your instructor: Adam Eason is known by his students as “Mr. Eason”. Mr. Eason began lessons in the 6th grade. “I didn’t want to be in band or choir, so that left orchestra. The violin and viola were uncomfortable, and the bass was too big so the cello...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faculty, Strings
Hubert Pralitz studied the art of violin playing with Stefan Herman, Jean Fournier, Henryk Szeryng, Zino Francescatti, Sándor Végh, Gérard Poulet, Herman Kienzl, Szymsia Bajour, and Diane Kitzman. He has attended the Stanislaw Moniuszko Music School of Sopot (Poland),...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faculty, Guitar
Getting to know your instructor: Chuck Pangburn, known by his students as Mr. Chuck or Mr. Pangburn. He began receiving lessons in 1964, “just about the time the Beatles played the 3 shows on Ed Sullivan”. Chuck knew that music would be a significant part...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faculty, Strings
Getting to know your instructor: Nancy Norton, known by his students as Nancy or Ms. Norton. She began her violin studies at age 5 in her mother’s Suzuki Method group class. “I attended many summer Suzuki Institutes growing up. I was a member of the school orchestra...
Aug 18, 2011 | Faculty, Percussion
Getting to know your instructor: Benjamin Lane Croucher is known by his students as Mr. Ben or Mr. Croucher. “I’ve been playing drum set for about 11 years now. I started really honing my abilities about 6 years ago. I recall setting up long playlists for...