Private Lessons are 30 minutes, 45 minutes or one hour in length and meet weekly. Lessons are offered Tuesday – Thursdays from 4:30 – 8:30 PM
Group Classes consist of 2 or more students. Placement in the class is based on age, skill level and availability in the teacher’s schedule. The minimum age for the drum class is 2nd grade.
Specialty Classes
(Minimum class size: four)
Whether your desire is to take the middle school or high school band program by storm, learn the percussion rhythms from around the world or just “stomp up a storm” by using trash cans, buckets and other everyday objects to express your individuality, these classes are for you! Small group classes are designed for various age groups beginning with fourth graders.
Percussion Preparatory Course: Introduction to Classical Percussion
Drum Line: Introduction to Marching Percussion
World Music: Introduction to World Percussion and Hand Drumming
STOMP! A look into the world of Urban/Street Drumming