Rockwall School of Music’s Exclusive Weekly Practice Plan
The 10 X 10 Plan For Success
Designed by Russ Porter
GOAL: To improve 10% each week by improving 1% in each of the following 10 areas
Day 1: Make a video recording of your first weekly practice session as you practice items 1-3:
- Lesson assignments
- Technique assignments
- Music Theory and Rhythm
Day 2: Repeat items 1-3 and add:
- Sight-reading (Tip – Look at the next lesson assignment and try to play it from start to finish without stopping.)
- Memorization (This may be only a small portion of one of your current assigned songs or can be part or all of a song that you learned in the previous weeks.)
Day 3: Repeat items 1-3 and add:
- Listen to or view other performers via YouTube (with parent supervision)
- Apply musicianship and artistry to your practice time by emphasizing the musical markings placed in your music by the composer/arranger or any suggestions made by your instructor.
Day 4: Repeat items 1-3 and add:
- Create/compose your own song (Tip- You can start out by creating your own melody or using the melody from one of your current or previous songs and change the way it is played to reflect your personality and your style.)
- Stump the Teacher with your Musical Knowledge (Seek out one unique bit of information regarding the composer/arranger of one of your assigned songs or the time period in which the piece was composed. Share that information with your instructor at your next lesson.)
Day 5: Make a second video recording of your last weekly practice session.
Compare the video made on day 1 with the video at the end of the week and see how far you’ve come in just one week!
Don’t forget to share your successes with your parent and your teacher!
Perform one of your pieces using your best performance etiquette for a friend or family member.
Tip 1: Never leave your practice time unhappy. Save your favorite musical assignment for that day and do it last. This will serve as a ‘reward’ for the hard work that you have put into your practice.
Tip 2: Try making a game out of one of the assignments for the day. For example: Play the ‘opposite game’ with one of your songs. If the music calls for the song to be played softly, play it loud. If it calls for the song to be played slowly, play it fast. If it calls for the song to be played in the middle register of the instrument, play it higher or lower. Adding variety to your routine allows you to experience different ways of interpreting the music that you are learning. It also makes it more like fun!